Will AI Take Over My Job? Yes or No?

Creating Career Value in the AI Era

Spotlight: Our Changing Work Places
By Nicoloco · Apr 26, 2024

Happy Friday! Word count: 1,749 words … 6.22 min. Copy edited by Jen

Hi there dance friends!

Thank you for joining us once again. In under five minutes, enjoy a brief dance digest intended to boost your well-being. If this message reached you via someone else, sign up to receive our complimentary weekly email.

Quote: "Dancing is like riding a bicycle, to keep your rhythm, you must keep your feet moving."

Inspired by Albert Einstein

Inspired by Albert Einstein

Unexpected Blessings!

Writing this article took longer than I realized (I timed myself to see how long it takes to develop, write, then, put together an article - it took me around 16 hours). More hours than I had thought it would take, but I enjoyed the process. Discovering more about myself, and figuring out what I really do for a living was eye-opening. While asking myself, “Do I have any value to those around me?”……. It turned out that far, far away, in the land of endless fields of ganja (Jamaica), two wonderful amazing ladies, while on holiday, got an idea.

Yesterday evening as I prepared for my class (while challenging myself to see if I could learn the ladies styling choreography being taught by Rebecca, FDComm’s Bachata Instructor), I was surprised by 2 reps from our local online paper, Guelph Today. They gifted me an award (including some prizes) for surviving this long (20 Years!) and providing a place in the community for people to come and rejuvenate themselves through dance after a challenging day, week, month, and sometimes, year(s).  I was very honored by their generosity, it was pretty cool!  

Will AI take my job as a dance instructor? Yes? No?

I was also weirded out a little at the same time - to receive this award while writing two articles trying to figure out if: “[Will] AI Take My Job? Part 1”, and Will AI Take My Job? Part 2 - what you are reading.  So, back to the original question — will AI take my job?

Above is the YouTube video that made me think this was a possibility.  Rebecca and I (FDComm Bachata Instructor), also had a nice long conversation on this subject, that ended with me concluding yes, and her concluding no. However… the most efficient way to find out for sure was to do some research. All the best tools for research are AI tools: Chat GTP 4, Claude 3, Llama 3, Gemini 1.5 ..… basically any large language model. Interestingly, as I write this article, I am observing the AI space from a different point of view, and the names of the language models sound like names of aliens, or extraterrestrials. Anyhow, I digress.   

During my research, I discovered that when taking a holistic view of a dance instructor’s impact on both their students and their community, there are 14 important roles a dance instructor plays when running their dance community. Below are the 14 roles, responsibilities, and some examples that *we, the instructors of FDComm manage weekly here at the Flying Dance Community.

*we - I have an amazing support team that helps keep our community engaged, and love dance for dance itself! Thank you!

1. Educator and Trainer

  • Fundamental to the instructor's role is focusing on teaching dance techniques and skills necessary for student progression.

  • Example 1: We offer progressive dance lessons in Salsa, Bachata, and West Coast Swing Dancing, starting from from Levels 1 to 4 in Salsa and Bachata, and Levels 1 & 2 in West Coast Swing

  • Example 2: Performance team and advanced workshops series. Currently, Rebecca is training a Bachata Performance Team. Below is a video of me practicing the choreography.

2. Role Model

  • Critical for setting behavioral and ethical standards in the studio, influencing students' personal and artistic development.

  • Example 1: FDComm’s Guiding Principles. Check out our Guiding Principles on our website.

  • Example 2: Educating the community on dance etiquette 

3. Crisis Manager

  • Ensures the safety and well-being of students and staff, crucial for maintaining a stable and secure learning environment

  • √ Check

4. Inclusive Space Creator

  • Promotes diversity and inclusion, ensuring that dance is accessible and welcoming to all, which is essential for a healthy and diverse community.

  • Example 1: Studio “Where You Were Born Map” 

  • Example 2: New this year: Accessible Outdoor Dance Events in Guelph - Moonlight Dancing in 2024 will be accessible, YAY!
    The Moonlight Dancing event in 2024 will be moving to a new location in downtown Guelph.

5. Community Builder

  • Strengthens the bonds within the dance community, enhancing student retention and fostering a supportive network.

  • Example 1: Hosting the Flying Dance Festival (FDFest) and bringing different dance communities to share their dance and art with our community over the past 20 years.

6. Catalyst for Growth and Innovation

  • Keeps the curriculum and teaching methods fresh and relevant, essential for adapting to changing trends and technologies.

  • Example 1: We are developing an Instructors Training Program to help develop dance instructors to support our expanding dance community. This program will be launched in September 2024.

  • Example 2: Also in development, our online training component for potential instructors in our community, and additionally, supports our in-person group lessons.

7. Custodian of Tradition and Innovation

  • Balances preserving traditional dance forms while innovating to keep the art form vibrant and engaging.

  • √ Check

8. Advocate and Spokesperson (a role I did not realize I was supposed to have.)

  • Represents the dance community in broader cultural and civic arenas, securing necessary support and recognition.

  • (New to me): I was not aware of this being a role I had. Well, I guess you learn something new every day - though, to be honest, it’s not something I want to follow up on.

9. Advocate and Promoter

  • Works to raise the visibility of dance and secure resources, promoting the value of dance education and participation.

  • Example 1: This is a project in the works. The plan: visit school kids of the ages 8 years to 12 years, and teach them how to partner dance, and how to have a conversation with the opposite sex, simple. The FDComm dance etiquette list is a good place to start.

10. Facilitator of Social Interaction

  • Creates opportunities for social engagement, crucial for building interpersonal relationships and enhancing the communal aspect of dance.

  • Example 1: We host weekly dances called Friday Night Salsa Fix events (FNSF). They have been running for 10+ years

  • Example 2: Our outdoor summer partner dances, offered twice a week, from May to August every year (Moonlight Dancing) serve this role very well.

11. Event Organizer

  • Plans and manages events that showcase student talents and foster community engagement, important for external visibility.

12. Network Builder

  • Helps connect students and the studio to broader dance networks and opportunities, important for professional growth.

  • √ Check

13. Mentor and Educator

  • Provides personal and developmental guidance, enriching the student experience beyond technical dance skills.

  • Example 1: Instructors going out for dinner and drinks after a dance session.

  • Example 2: Students making plans to experience a big regional dance event with their new friends.

14. Mentor and Coach

  • Supports students in setting and achieving personal goals, important for individual growth and confidence.

  • Example 1: FDComm Performance Training Team

After compiling the list, I asked ChatGTP to watch the video that made me question my value as an instructor, analyze my list of roles and responsibilities to our dance community, and let me know if, in the next 5 years, an advanced robot with the latest model of the language model can replace me.  This is the prompt I used:

You are a highly skilled and creative sociology and anthropology expert with a natural knack for writing engaging, informative, and concise books that have been on the New York Times bestseller list over the past 20 years.“ 

“Analyze the YouTube video link below, and the list of roles and responsibilities of a dance instructor who teaches partner dances.”  

“With the current and expected projections of the growth of AI, in 5 years, will there be a robot advanced enough to replace a partner dance instructor?” 

The answer, (fortunately!) is no, and Rebecca was right, PHEW!!!  Here is a list of some of the expected challenges in replacing dance instructors with a robot:

1. Physical Interaction and Adaptability: Partner dancing involves intricate physical interactions and adaptability to a partner's movements, which can be challenging for robots. The sensitivity and adaptability required to respond to a partner's cues during a dance are currently beyond the capability of most robotic systems.

2. Emotional and Social Intelligence: Dance instructors provide emotional support, build community, and foster social interactions. AI and robotics have not yet reached the level of emotional intelligence necessary to replicate these interpersonal aspects effectively.

3. Creative and Cultural Expression: Dance is also a form of creative and cultural expression. While AI can generate choreography or mimic styles, the creative input and understanding of cultural nuances in teaching dance are profoundly human aspects that robots cannot fully replicate.

In conclusion:

Although robots might increasingly assist in teaching predefined routines or performing administrative tasks in a dance studio, fully replacing a partner dance instructor involves overcoming significant challenges in physical dexterity, emotional intelligence, and creative expression.

Within the next five years, it is unlikely that robots will advance enough to replace human instructors in all their roles comprehensively. They may, however, become useful assistants that can, and are, enhancing the learning experience by providing support for repetitive practice tasks or managing class logistics.  I look forward to sharing the administrative tasks AI is helping me in running a dance community. See you soon on the dance floor!

Where Can I Dance This Summer?

The FDFest 2024 Early-Bird Tickets are available for the next few weeks: from Friday, March 22nd to Monday, April 22nd. Here are the few confirmed artists for 2024.

We update some sections regularly and love to keep things fresh and exciting. We hope you enjoy the variety!

P.S. Expect to hear from us weekly in your inbox, with the occasional extra update when something exceptionally great comes up 🥰

♥️ Looking forward to our next connection in your inbox!